Curriculum, Teaching Methods and Interventions
The school will be using the National Curriculum as a basis of our learning.
Class teachers are responsible for the learning of ALL children in their class and they ensure that all children receive 'quality first teaching' - keeping children working with their peers for the majority of the time.
Teachers are skilled at adapting and differentiating the curriculum to take account of individual pupil needs.
Teachers will be able to take into account different learning styles and use them to ensure that they meet the needs of all the children in their class.
Additional adults may be used to support groups or individuals, but being on the SEN register does not necessarily mean that your child will be allocated a one to one support as independence must also be fostered. Children may be identified as benefitting from intervention programmes without being on the SEN register
A range of intervention programmes in the areas of literacy, numeracy, language, social, emotional and motor skills are available to support individuals and groups and there are staff trained to deliver them.
Interventions that may be available to children at Drybrook School include, but are not limited to, Fast Track Tutoring (RWI Phonics), Fresh Start Tutoring (phonics), Language for Thinking, Number Stacks, Thera-build (lego), Precision teaching and Fizzy.
Children should usually only access one intervention at a time to measure impact and ensure time spent in class is priority.
Progress within these programmes is carefully monitored.
The use of intervention programmes is monitored by assessing their impact.
Intervention programmes are continually under review.
Children may be involved in booster groups at different points throughout the school year.
Advice from educational agencies such as Educational Psychology, speech, language and communication, behavioural support and health agencies such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and CAMHS may be sought if your child is on the SEN register.