Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the school hours?
Our school day starts at 8:45 AM and ends at 3:15 PM. The gates open at 8:35 AM, with the front gate open in the morning and both front and back gates open in the afternoon for pick-up.
2. How do I report my child’s absence?
Please notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence by calling 01594 542448.
3. What is the school's uniform policy?
Our school uniform includes a white polo shirt (long-sleeved or short-sleeved), a royal blue school jumper, cardigan, or fleece, grey or black trousers, skirt, or pinafore dress, dark or white socks or dark tights, and dark, practical shoes suitable for active play.
4. How does the school support children with special educational needs?
We provide tailored support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Parents are welcome to join our parental drop-in every Thursday for conversations about SEND and other concerns.
5. What are the lunch arrangements?
Pupils can either bring a packed lunch or have a school meal. There is no need to order lunch in advance.
6. How is bad weather communicated?
In case of severe weather conditions, information regarding school closures will be communicated via text, email, MCAS, and Class Dojo as soon as a decision is made.
7. How can I get involved with the school?
There are many ways to get involved, including joining the PTFA, volunteering for events, or contributing to our various school projects. For more information, visit our Get Involved page.
8. What after-school clubs are available?
We offer a variety of after-school clubs that change throughout the year depending on the seasons.
9. How do I schedule a meeting with my child’s teacher?
Parents can schedule meetings by contacting the school office. We also have scheduled parent-teacher meetings throughout the year.
10. How does the school handle bullying?
We have a strict anti-bullying policy. Any incidents of bullying are dealt with promptly and sensitively. For more information, see our Anti-Bullying Policy.
11. What is the homework at Drybrook?
Homework consists of reading a specific number of times a week depending on age, along with Doodle Maths.
12. How do I stay updated with school news and events?
Regular updates are sent via text, email, MCAS, and Class Dojo.