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Our Mathematics Vision

Our Mathematics curriculum at Drybrook Primary School is meticulously crafted to provide a foundational understanding of numbers, to enhance logical reasoning, and to cultivate problem-solving abilities with determination. We are dedicated to preparing our pupils for the mathematical demands of the future, ensuring they are adept at integrating core mathematical principles consistently across all areas of the National Curriculum. By adopting a Mastery approach, our goal is for every student to reach their highest academic potential, regardless of their starting point.

Intent: A Lifelong Mathematical Journey

We aspire for our pupils to leave Drybrook with a deep and passionate understanding of Mathematics, equipped for a lifelong positive relationship with the subject. Our curriculum is designed to be both engaging and enjoyable, fostering profound connections between mathematical concepts, building fluency, enhancing reasoning, and enabling pupils to approach increasingly complex problems with confidence. We strive for pupils to apply their mathematical skills across different subjects and real-world situations seamlessly.

Implementation: CPA Approach and Daily Rigour

The teaching of Maths at Drybrook revolves around the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach. Starting with tangible objects like counting beads or blocks, we introduce new concepts in a relatable and understandable way. As students grow more comfortable, they progress to pictorial representations, and ultimately to abstract concepts, using numbers and symbols to solve problems independently. This approach cements their understanding and relates Mathematics to everyday life.

In both Key Stages 1 and 2, pupils enjoy dedicated daily Maths lessons of 45-60 minutes. These lessons are rich with collective instruction and peer interaction, providing a strong foundation before advancing to more complex concepts. Our Maths for Mastery model, inspired by the White Rose Maths Hub, ensures a deep comprehension of Mathematics by focusing on fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving at each stage. Our unique star challenge system caters to all abilities, ensuring personalised progression for every pupil, including those with SEND and the academically advanced. Each Maths session is an opportunity to engage with fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving tasks.

Complementing our main lessons are focused 30-minute fluency sessions that target key areas like number bonds, times tables, and geometric facts. 

Our planning and teaching draw inspiration from the White Rose Maths frameworks, ensuring captivating and coherent learning experiences. Their philosophy, "Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!", echoes our belief in the potential of every pupil to succeed in Mathematics. By making Maths intuitive and enjoyable, we foster a classroom atmosphere where Maths is not just a subject but a thrilling and rewarding challenge.

No Limits: Fostering a 'Can-Do' Attitude

At Drybrook, we reject the notion of 'low ability' in Maths. Instead, we champion a proactive 'can-do' mindset, encouraging all pupils to embrace numerical challenges with enthusiasm. The White Rose Maths' yearly frameworks guide our topic coverage, allowing for repeated practice that promotes fluency and ensures cohesive class progression, actively narrowing any attainment gaps.

Our Maths instruction is designed to promote independence, with learning environments specifically tailored to support this autonomy. We instil in our pupils not just the skills, but also the confidence to see themselves as mathematicians, capable of navigating any numerical challenge with assurance and joy