Admissions "The Forest of Dean Trust is an equal opportunity organisation and encourages all staff and students to be treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices or preferences."
There are a number of important trust-wide policies that you should be aware of. We seek to monitor and update these regularly so the latest copies will be made available here as they are approved.
Please use the links below to view our policies. (Original signed copies are retained by the school).
Statutory Policies
Attendance — Please see HR Employment Manual — pages 52 (includes sickness, staff leave, and flexible working policy)
Capability Procedure - Please see HR Employment Manual — pages 96
Code of Conduct (for staff) — Please see HR Employment Manual — page 18
Complaints Policy - Members of the Public
Data Protection Policy (Inc. FOI, Biometric, CCTV & GDPR Compliance) - Please also see HR Employment Manual — page 112
Equal Opportunities — Please also see HR Employment Manual — page 7
Health and Safety - including Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and First Aid
Information and Records Retention Policy
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RHSE)
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Staff Behaviour and Grievance - Please see pages 18 - 42 for Staff Code of Conduct, pages 93 - 95 for Performance Management and pages 106 - 107 for the Grienvance Procedure
Student Behaviour - including Exclusions
Other Policies
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Staff Policy
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Student Policy
Charities - please see Finance Policy
Collecting Children from School
Environmental Sustainability Policy
Environmental Sustainability Statement
FODT Risk Management Procedure
Induction New Promoted/Appointed Teachers and ECTs
Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations
Social Media - In HR Manual Page 124