Our Science Vision
Intent: Igniting Curiosity and Scientific Understanding
At Drybrook Primary School, our Science curriculum is intentionally crafted to spark a sense of wonder and equip our pupils with the critical skills of scientific enquiry. We aspire to nurture inquisitive young minds that are well-versed in scientific vocabulary and concepts. Through consistent, hands-on experiences, our aim is for pupils to amplify their innate curiosity, refine their reasoning skills, and excel in investigative science. By the end of Year 2, we expect our students to independently plan, conduct, and evaluate experiments with assurance. Our early education lays the crucial groundwork for pupils to wisely select resources and articulate their scientific reasoning. We are passionate about developing budding scientists who are eager for the investigative challenges that await them from Year 3 onwards.
Implementation: A Practical and Progressive Approach
Our Science curriculum at Drybrook Primary is rooted in the National Curriculum and enhanced by weekly practical lessons that bring theoretical science to life. Pupils from Year 1 document their scientific journey in dedicated notebooks, beginning each new topic with a knowledge web that is revisited and expanded over time. Enquiry is at the forefront of our Science teaching, ensuring skills and knowledge evolve in tandem. We integrate formative assessments within our teaching to adaptively guide each pupil's learning journey.
While we teach Science as an independent subject, it also complements cross-curricular themes, highlighting the relevance of scientific understanding in broader contexts, such as environmental studies.
Impact: Assessing Scientific Progress and Fostering Growth
Our approach to assessing pupil comprehension in Science is multifaceted. Observational insights, classroom dialogues, and collaborative tasks provide ongoing formative assessment opportunities, allowing for immediate feedback and adjustments to teaching. In addition to these strategies, we conduct formal testing three times a year. These assessments provide valuable data on pupil progress and understanding, guiding our teaching and ensuring that all children are achieving their full potential in Science.
Our robust assessment framework, aligned with the National Curriculum objectives, grows increasingly challenging as pupils advance, promoting deeper scientific understanding.
At Drybrook Primary School, our assessment practices extend beyond tests to include workbook reviews, lesson observations, and pupil feedback, creating a rich tapestry of evidence that informs our dynamic curriculum. These methods ensure our pedagogical approach remains at the forefront of educational excellence, inspiring a lasting passion for Science in all our pupils.