Early years Transition
The class teacher generally attends transition meetings for pupils with SEND making the transition from Pre School to nursery or reception easier.
Class teacher visits child in setting or home.
Parents are invited to a pre-admission meeting.
Moving on at Year 6
All pupils in Year 6 are invited to a familiarisation at their secondary school.
Children are prepared for the visit and given information in advance as necessary.
Additional visits to the secondary school may be arranged for individuals or groups as needed.
Transition arrangements are planned at Year 6 statement/ Education, Health and Care Plan reviews.
Secondary schools are invited to attend.
Information transferred in advance of move.
Moving schools
If your child is moving to another school, we will:
Contact the school SENCo and ensure that he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child.
Make sure all records for your child are passed on as soon as possible.
If your child joins us from another school, we will:
Contact the school SENCo to find out about any special arrangements or support that needs to be made for your child.
Meet with parents to discuss any concerns and plan any support
Moving classes
Transition visits to new classes are planned in the second half of the summer term.
Identified pupils may have a number of additional visits to the new class.
Meet the teacher meetings take place in the summer term which give parents a chance to find out about arrangements for such things as homework, topics and general expectations.
The summer term pupil profile review will include updating the pupil profile to be used as a transition document